Within touching distance…
3 December 2023
Finally, the drainage system is now in. Virtually everything is complete in the Phase 2 kennels apart from putting the doors in place. After that, it’s down to clearing the site and tidying up a few loose ends.
Once the contractor has finished, the tecnico will need to certify the completion of works, then we can apply for the Activity Licence and then we’re in!

In a very short space of time, this will be our new home

But it doesn’t end there…
After we move in, there’s still lots to do. We will still need to plant trees around the perimeter and in the central area, create play areas and places for would-be adopters to meet their new family members, we need to improve the final part of the access road, and there’s the final part of the build to complete, so we will still be fundraising to complete the project.
As it’s nearly Christmas, please consider helping our four-legged friends by giving a small donation and getting our 2023 Christmas video. Click here to get it now!